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ابدأ الآن

المكافآت تُكتسب فقط عندما يستثمر أصدقاؤك باستخدام رمز الدعوة الخاص بك

يجب أن يستثمر 3 أصدقاء على الأقل بمبلغ 500 درهم لكل منهم لتفعيل محفظة المكافآت الخاصة بك.

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    What are Maisour’s Fees?

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    Fees compensate Maisour to procure, manage and close the investment. We believe in a more equitable and inclusive landscape through fee transparency so you can find specific fees here.

    Maisour charges: ● a one-time 1.5% fee to an investor after successful funding, expiry of the cool-off period, and transaction completion. ● a 0.5% Annual fee for Administration & Management ● a 2.5% Exit fee when assets are sold or matured
